About Us
At Kelley Air, our goal is to provide outstanding service for our customers with integrity and fairness. From the beginning, our philosophy has been to outwork the competition, tackling the biggest logistics challenges and succeeding. Consistency and transparency with our customers are core company values.
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Since 1988 Kelley Air has grown from a one-pilot charter operation to a freight expediter with preferred carrier status for Fortune 100 companies. We started out as an asset-based, certified FAR Part 135, on-demand, air-charter freight carrier. Later, after customer requests, Kelley became an indirect air carrier freight broker and an asset-based truck carrier with the capacity to cover all expedites. In current terminology, we are a 3PL freight broker for expedited trucks.
After a successful start, our customers began asking us for multiple and larger planes. We then began using other competitive air carriers, along with an “Air Charter Guide” as a backup and becoming an air-freight charter broker or indirect carrier. To continue offering the same high level of service our customers had come to expect, Kelley began building Unix-based computerized Transportation Management Systems, blast faxing carriers, and eventually created air-charter freight and expedited truck BidBoard to integrate with our dispatch software.
Kelley’s vision to create our BidBoard came from the realization after small software contractors were able to build similar applications for police dispatch, air-charter freight booking, and courier industries.
In 2009, with our experience in acquiring trucks, Kelley decided to focus on becoming an expedite truck freight broker with an advantage and developed the first expedited truck BidBoard. We then were the first to introduce a bid board to the expedited trucking industry. Our customers wanted shipments done right and expeditiously, and we provided it.
Unlike other most other brokers, Kelley has personal experience working as a truck and air carrier. We understand the process from a carrier’s perspective which helps considerably in acquiring other carriers and managing transportation. We’re better brokers because we have experience from the carrier’s perspective.
Scott Kelley founded Kelley Air with just himself and a single plane for charter at (GRR).
Opened a second hangar MKG to avoid politics at Grand Rapids Airport (GRR).
Blast-faxed air charter owners for cargo aircraft using Goldmine CRM.
Kelley’s design team built an innovative “Blast Fax” system, allowing about 100 air carriers to instantly receive a request to quote on needed air charter loads.
Expanded air-charter services to include much of Canada, from British Columbia to Montreal to Eastern and Western Mexico and the continental US in between.
Launched Air Charter BidBoard, a centralized website enabling charter operators to receive freight information and place bids promptly. This innovative new design significantly shortened the length of time from customer request to plane waiting on the ground to pick up freight.
Revamped community Air Charter BidBoard and added sending emails, in addition to the BidBoard as another way for carriers to see what is available and be able to bid on in real time.
Relocated offices to the current location in Grand Rapids, Michigan, in order to expand the Kelley dispatch and customer service teams.
Introduced the Ground Expedite Truck BidBoard to the trucking industry, adding over 10,000 carriers to it for testing and carriers participation in quote options. We also purchased a multi-threaded email server. This innovation worked, even though McAfee, Semantic, and AOL said that it wouldn’t. To this day, Kelley’s email server keeps Kelley up on best email deliverability practices meaning, more carrier options for you.
Frequently Asked Questions
Call us at 1-800-860-1054, e-mail at info@kelleyair.com, or text us at (616) 528-8253. It could save you time, money, and even a customer.